Helena-Marie Tompkins
18 min readMay 28, 2021


When a Foster Parent Hires an Attorney

Everything I’ve documented about what these people have said is word for word from the court documents and the trial. The opposing attorney of the foster parents submitted an additional letter on the day the court was supposed to make the decision about my rights on December 30th. His whole letter fabricates a story based off of his personal opinions about me. They are not professional nor appropriate and should be considered discriminatory.

He first introduces Cynthia Purrier’s “safety plan” which has nothing to do with the case plan that was created. The safety plan had nothing to do with domestic violence. The safety plan was before my son was removed and had nothing to do with my fitness as a mother. That’s all that safety plan was about.

He said CPS “identified” what needed to occur for reunification and that they had created and reviewed the case plan with me when that’s not even true. The case plan was unworkable and unrealistic. Yes they IDENTIFIED the case plan, but they did NOT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT. NO, THE CASE PLAN WAS NOT “REVIEWED” WITH ME WHATSOEVER. NOT ONCE DID THE CASE WORKER GO THROUGH THE PLAN WITH ME. SHE DID NOT READ IT WITH ME. SHE DID NOT TELL ME TO GET THE PLAN OUT AND REVIEW IT WITH HER. THE CASE PLAN WAS NOT EXPLAINED TO ME. THEREFORE THE PLAN WAS NOT REVIEWED WITH ME.

The case plan says that the “mother is to ensure that her son is not exposed to arguments, physical fights, power, and control so he feels safe and secure and not afraid of individuals the mother introduces to him.” Well my…



Helena-Marie Tompkins
Helena-Marie Tompkins

Written by Helena-Marie Tompkins

INTJ. Living in a matrix. I don't see through rose-tinted glasses, I see through rainbows.

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